Don’t Call it a Comeback!

I’M BACK!!!!! Did you miss me?  I hope you did!

Unfortunately, due to stress, a heavy school work load and health issues, I was forced to take a hiatus on my blog.  I just didn’t have the energy or time to really put the effort that I felt was sufficient enough.  It was tough to make that decision because, if you’ve read any of my posts before you would have seen me talking about my promise to myself to post every single day but obviously, I couldn’t do that.

But now school is over (YES!), I’m feeling a lot better (YES! YES!!) and I’m ready to bring it on! (Or something a little less cheesy and cliche!).  I’ve missed out on talking about a lot of things and nearly every day I saw something or read something that I wanted so badly to blog about but couldn’t and now, even though the time has passed for some of these topics, I just gotta get it out there!  So here’s a list of some of the things I was dying to talk about while I was “away!”

Lately, everyone’s been bombarded with the Kimye pictures and posts so I won’t dwell on this or mention it (much) again but if I had been able to talk about it back when it started a month ago, I would have GUSHED over how much I love these too together!  They’ve faced haters and nay-sayers but I think they make sense as a couple.  Kim Kardashian is a powerhouse and needs a man that’s just as dynamic in his career as she is and I think she’s found it in Mr. Kanye West.

Love you dearly Beyonce, but this dress is God Awfully Ugly!  What baffled me was how much everybody loved it and raved about her first red carpet appearance at the Met Gala after having Blue but honestly…It looks like about 17 Sesame street characters died and were dyed to make this dress.

Britney Spears and Demi Lovato officially joined the judges on X Factor and already they’ve got a hater talking smack.  In an interview, while he was supposed to be promoting his new show Duets (which they only recently added him to because Lionel Richie dropped out) singer, John Legend, took a stab at the two new X Factor judges, insinuating that they weren’t “actually singers.”  Ouch.  What a loser!  He totally lost my respect for that one.

There’s so much more to say but I’ll leave it at that for now.  God, I missed this!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!  I promise I’m back with a vengeance!



Taking Time to Take Care of Myself

I think one of the most important things in this world to do is take time out of each day or each week and just do something that I love to do or that relaxes me and makes me happy.  Life can get so stressful sometimes between working, school, relationships, family issues, personal struggles.  But one indisputable fact is that the only person that can truly make you happy is yourself.  Sometimes, you don’t have that other person around (family member, significant other, friend….insert other title here) around to lift you up so you have to do that for yourself.

My favorite things to do when I’m feeling down or stressed is play a game.  That might sound a little juvenile but taking my mind off troubles and concentrating on something else like a puzzle or something really helps a lot.  I also love to write. (obviously!) For me, writing things out is the only way I can problem solve or get stuff off my chest.  Whenever I have a friend in trouble and looking for advice on how to cope, I ask them what is it that they love to do that doesn’t require money, doesn’t require a second party and that they can do every day and anywhere.  That, most likely, is going to be the thing you do that helps you get through a difficult time.  And whatever it is, doing it regularly can probably help you keep your mind and spirit at ease.

I’m interested to know what YOU like doing the most?  What are the things that make you happy that only you alone can achieve?

And as usual, thanks for reading!