But Why You Mad, Racist Hunger Games Fans?

“Oh yea, I REALLY wanna see the movie now!” I say in my bestest sarcastic voice.

So the news about the racist controversy surrounding the “Hunger Games” movie just hit me and I was so compelled to write about it.  If you haven’t heard, let me give you the details.  After the premiere of the movie, fans were “disappointed” because two of the characters were played by African American actors.  But here’s the best part…one of the characters is described in the book as having dark skin so there shouldn’t have been any wonder that she’d be black and the other character played by Lenny Kravitz (who is half JEWISH!) is described in such an ambiguous way that he could actually be any race.

I mean, personally, I could care less about the movie or the books.  It never interested me at all.  I think I read like a few pages of the e-book sometime last year and got really bored so I  never took a stab at the series again.  But I’m so disappointed by this news and it’s things like this that really slap you in the face and make you realize that racism is still very present in this society.  It’s just wearing more clever disguises but it’s there!

Even though I never planned on seeing the movie, this still upset me for two reasons:  1. There is already a lack of African American representation in mainstream movies, television and multimedia period and for people to complain about a movie only containing two people of color is just unfathomable!  And 2. Even though I would like to see more black actresses and actors in mainstream media, I would NEVER boycott or express dislike for a movie simply because it had too many white people!  That’s ridiculous!

I’m sure these kids probably think their comments about the movie are not racist at all but they need a hard dose of reality!